ようこそ出張マッサージの「ジェーアール(JR)」へ。 |
Thai massage is unique among massage therapies in combining both physical and energetic aspects. It is a deep, full-body massage progressing from the feet up, and focusing on sen or energy lines throughout the body, with the aim of clearing blockages in these lines, and thus stimulating the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body. By the end, one feels both relaxed and energized, in an almost dreamlike state, and typically without pain |
JR Thai oil massage is very relaxing and it is very easy to fall asleep whilst it is being administered, especially when the head is involved. The massage technique is a form of rubbing of the muscles using the oil to slide the hands around joints tendon and muscle.
Thai oil massage, Thai aroma massage, is a combination of traditional Thai massage and special Thai and essential massage oils.
massage with new staff memeber and relax with thai oil massage. |
出張マッサージの「ジェーアール(JR)」は、高い技術のタイマッサージを提供させていただいております。 肩こり・腰痛・身体の不調、全身疲労、目の疲れ、頭痛、首こり、坐骨神経痛、…。お任せください!!
出張サービスのエリアは広島県福山市 地域にて提供しております。
お仕事などで遅くなった時もお気軽にご連絡下さい。 |
お問い合わせ |
出張タイ古式マッサージ ジェーアール(JR) |
出張エリア: 広島県福山市 |
〒720-0072 広島県福山市吉津町 9ー1 1階3号 |
TEL:(084)-924-1639 携帯 (080)-1940-4101 |
営業時間: 10:00〜24:00 受付 |